Elon Musk criticizes the California Solar Tax proposal which might hurt sustainable energy adoption in the state



Tesla CEO Elon Musk is not happy with the newly proposed tax on solar installation by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). Musk expressed his anger via Twitter, “Bizarre anti-environment move by govt of California,” he posted.

Currently, California has way over 1 million solar roofs installed, a great milestone in the adoption of green energy for homes. But looks like the state’s government has taxation plans that might ruin the pace of this adoption towards the clean energy that mother nature is providing us for free.

This proposed tax bill not just affects new solar energy customers but also aims to somehow charge the existing users as well.

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The Tesla Community on the company online engagement platform posted the following details of this proposed solar tax (NEM 3.0) that would go into effect from May 28, 2022.

This month, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) will consider adopting a proposal that impacts customers of PG&E, SCE, or SDG&E who have installed solar or plan to do so in the future. 

Bowing to pressure from the California utilities, the CPUC is proposing new net metering rules (NEM 3.0) that includes a “grid access” fee of $8/kW of installed solar per month – in addition to other fees – that could add between $50-$80/month to the electric bill of a home solar customer. If adopted, this would be the highest solar fee anywhere in the country, including states hostile to renewable energy. In addition, the proposal would reduce the value of bill credits for solar energy sent to the grid by about 80 percent. 

Unbelievably, the California utilities and CPUC also proposed to change the rules for customers who have already signed contracts and purchased a solar system, which violates basic principles of fairness.   Under the CPUC’s proposal, customers who installed solar under the NEM 1.0 and NEM 2.0 rules – which were guaranteed to be in place for 20 years when customers enrolled – would see their “grandfathering period” reduced to 15 years from the date they installed their system, after which they would go on NEM 3.0. 

For customers currently considering installing solar, the NEM 3.0 rules would go into effect upon submission of an interconnection agreement after May 28, 2022. 

Source: Tesla Engage
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Support distributed solar and storage in California by making your voice heard. Please consider contacting the Public Utilities Commission today and encourage them to reject the solar fee and changes to grandfathering rules. 

The CPUC may vote on whether to adopt the NEM 3.0 proposal as soon as January 27, 2022, and they are taking feedback from the public until that time. There are several ways you can participate: 

1- Sign up to provide a verbal comment directly to the 5 Commissioners at an upcoming CPUC public meeting on January 13 or January 27   

2- Email the CPUC ([email protected]) and the governor’s office (https://govapps.gov.ca.gov/gov40mail) using the tools above or on your own

3- Call the Governor’s office directly to ask Governor Newsom to stop this unfair proposal before it discriminates against existing and future solar customers 916-445-2841 

4- Tweet at the Public Utilities Commission and Governor Newsom (@californiapuc @GavinNewsom) using the hashtag #SaveSolar

Take Action now and have your voice heard.

Tesla’s Position on Net Metering and the CPUC Proposal: 

Consistent with our mission to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy, Tesla supports net metering structures that allow customers to supply their own power using on-site renewable energy without penalty. We further support NEM reform that increases the climate and grid benefits of customer-sited clean generation through rate structures that encourage the dispatch of solar-paired batteries during times of the day when the electric grid is strained and fossil power plants are most polluting.  For example, Tesla supported the NEM reform recently adopted by the Sacramento Municipal Utilities District that encourages customers to store their daytime solar energy in batteries for use in the evening hours to help the grid during times of high energy demand to offset high grid greenhouse gas emissions. 

However, we oppose the CPUC Proposal for several reasons. 

First, imposing fixed charges only on those customers who choose to install solar impinges on customers’ right to self-generate their own clean energy. It violates every tenant of regulatory fairness and is likely illegal under federal law.  The fixed charges cannot be avoided by adding a battery and would need to be paid regardless of whether the solar customer exports energy to the electric grid.  Every solar customer should be asking why they are discriminated against, but not those customers who have rarely used vacation homes, invest in energy efficiency, have small homes, or otherwise have pay lower utility bills.   Why would the PUC not add fixed charges to all customers fairly and with documented justification, rather than only solar customers? 

Second, the dramatic change from the current NEM policy will reduce customer adoption of clean energy in California at a time when more is needed to meet the state’s climate goals and to provide more energy resiliency in the face of unprecedented wildfires and grid outages. 

Finally, reducing the length of the grandfathering period short-changes customers who made an investment in solar under rules that promised consistent policy over the life of their system. Changing the rules in the middle of the game will make it less likely for customers to trust that other CPUC Decisions won’t later be reversed.

Source: Tesla Engage

By obstructing the adoption of solar energy in the state, consumers of large companies like PG&E and others mentioned above will also not be able to charge their EVs and Teslas using sustainable energy.

If approved, this proposed tax will not just hit electricity consumers in California but the sustainability of the environment of our planet will suffer the most. So, you can participate by taking the actions mentioned above and discouraging this anti-environment tax.

Stay tuned for constant Tesla updates, follow us on: 
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Iqtidar Ali
Iqtidar Alihttp://www.teslaoracle.com
Iqtidar has been writing about Tesla, Elon Musk, and EVs for more than 3 years on XAutoWorld.com, many of his articles have been republished on CleanTechnica and InsideEVs, maintains a healthy relationship with the Tesla community across the Social Media sphere. You can reach him on Twitter @IqtidarAlii

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